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Condominium / Homeowner Associations

Whether your association is self managed or managed by a property management company, we can help.   We can also provide the accounting function for a condominium association who wants to self-manage but does not want the hassle of bookkeeping.   
We provide attest services (reviews) for associations all around northeast Ohio.  Currently we have over 180 associations that we work with from tax returns to reviews to help with their budgeting and even working with the board to understand the financial review.  

We are recommended by the leading legal firm in Cleveland for condominiums and we work with seven different property management companies. 

Beginning in 2022 we are helping small associations that are self-managed by performing the accounting function for that association and working with the board to process payments and pay vendor bills on a weekly basis.  Please contact us today for a quote. 
Some of the Services:


  • Reviewed Financial Statements

  • Tax Returns (1120-H or 1120)

  • Help with Budgets

  • Teach board members how to read a reviewed financial statement

  • Small Association -Bookkeeping and financial reports. 

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